Skeleton v1.6.2

Chris Simmons
Skeleton v1.6.2

Release Notes

Today's update is a bit different than normal, as outwardly it will appear as a minor triage update. However, internally we've now migrated the Skeleton project to a new monorepo structure. This will have little to no immediate impact for Skeleton users in the short term, but long term will open up a lot of new possibilities for the library. See below for more information.

  • 🧱 New monorepo project structure
  • 📗 Contribution guidelines overhauled
  • 📎 New anchor tile added to App Rails
  • 🐞 Plus a host of improvements and bugfixes

Monorepo Project Structure

Special shoutout to @niktek and @AdrianGonz97 for making this happen!

Attention contributors! As mentioned above, we've now migrated the project to a new monorepo structure. This precedes a number of upcoming housekeeping issues for the project. Please see our updated contributor guidelines for detailed instructions for new contributions. For now, here's the most important information in a nutshell:

  1. We now require contributors to use pnpm, which fully supports monorepo workspaces.  Make sure you delete your node_modules folder before doing pnpm i after pulling from your sync'd fork.
  2. /packages/skeleton - contains the core library package (@skeletonlabs/skeleton)
  3. /sites/ contains the documentation website (

The monorepo is currently comprised of two projects, but this will grow over time:

  • /sites/theme-generator - will be a standalone web app that houses a greatly improved theme generator
  • /packages/popups - will be a standalone package and huge rework of our popup feature
  • /packages/codeblocks - will be a standalone package of our code block feature
  • We may also merge create-skeleton-app (the Skeleton CLI)
  • Plus additional sites and packages as we see fit

Why the change? Overall it just makes the project more modular and easier to maintain. For the theme generator, this allows us to improve the UX, interface, and functionality. For the standalone packages, this typically means we can more tightly integrate required peer dependencies, and these can potentially be used outside of Skeleton projects.

No specific deadline has been set for these changes, we're just starting to lay the groundwork to make this possible!

Contribution Guide Overhaul

Doc Link:

We've now completely overhauled our contributor documentation top to bottom. It should now be more accurate, more complete, and provides full instructions for installing pnpm and using our new monorepo structure. If you're new to monorepos, but still wish to contribute, find our full guide for this within the Requirements section.

App Rail Anchor Tile

In previous iterations of Skeleton the App Rail would utilized an AppRailTile for both selection state as well as links (anchor elements). In today's release we've now introduced a dedicated AppRailAnchor component, which provides the same options, but with a simpler set of props purpose built for anchors. Best of all, you can mix AppRailTile and AppRailAnchor within the same App Rail component. See the documentation for details.

Other Notable Improvements


